Friday, March 17, 2017

How to do the Ritual of Covetousness

How to do the Satanic Ritual of Covetousness

Ritual to strengthen, develop visualization and realize the desire for material acquisitions.

One week before performing this ritual, it is important to assemble a panel with the most coveted material desires. You can take a piece of cardboard and paste clippings of figures of goods you want to own. In the week preceding the ritual, desire the most what you want, visualize the achievement as if it were yours, you drive a car, live in a house you want, Going out with the person who always had the will (for the desired person, it can be complemented by the ritual of lust in the end), affirming the amount of money that he wants to have etc ... visualize and live the present, never the future, Never say, "I'll have it all one day."

These assets are already yours if you wish. Believe with all your energies that all you want, is yours and that you already have them. You can enjoy the night before bed and practice this visualization a little.

After a week of fixing these acquisitions, prepare the ritual chamber, clean it, purify it, proceed with the ritual of banishment to eliminate any negative psychic energies that may make it impossible to manifest its perspectives ...

Take the panel to the ritual chamber, place it in a suitable place where you can visualize much of the time, do not place it on or near the altar, but where you can visualize it in strategic positions. The important thing is to have, during the ritual, the vision of your achievements as long as you remain in the chamber.

Before beginning the ritual, after the clean, purified chamber, perceive your feelings, your desires, you must be very strong for what you want, you must be convinced that everything you want is already yours. Walk through the chamber (illuminated only by black candles, (seven days), in the four corners of the camera and only one white in the center), meditate a little on the content of the panel and its desires and achievements (stay as long as you think necessary Comfortable, enjoy what you feel).

If you do not feel strong or prepared enough with your feelings and desires, transfer to another occasion, maintaining your daily visualization exercises until the moment of the ritual.

Then trace a pentagram on the floor with pemba chalk with the main tip (baphomet beard) pointing to the opposite of the altar, circle it ... It should be drawn to a size that fits you in the center. (Symbolically the baphomet sign representing the whole and where that whole will absorb your wants, your desires, your most hidden secrets ... you must be positioned in the center of the pentagram, (as soon as you begin to perform the ritual), representing you in the Center of the universe where all the energy emanated by you will be received by the powers of the ancients ...

Preparation of the ritual chamber:

After following the steps above regarding purification, positioning of the panel, and making the pentagram on the floor, follow these steps: (you can let the candles in the corners burn until they are extinguished by removing only the center candles by erasing it and throwing it On a recipient, leaving it there until the end of the ritual). "These candles only allowed the illumination of the environment, making the dramatization of his will even more manifest. There is no effect whatsoever that should be taken into account."


  • Secrecy of baphomet on the wall
  • Draw a personal sigil consecrate it and use on the altar
  • 4 black candles one at each corner of the altar and 1 white candle in the center (symbolically the four black candles represent the four crowned princes of hell and the white candle represents you)
  • Dagger
  • Recipients
  • Bell
  • Incense
  • A blank sheet of paper (does not need parchment or animal skin)

  • If you get some animal blood (it might be the blood of that meat that you just bought for the weekend barbecue, do not sacrifice any animals), or if you prefer, use a red colored atomic brush ... Blood as ink, write with the dagger).

You wear:

Black cloak with hood, or if you do not have it, pants and black T-shirt without print and barefoot ... (if in the end, use the lust ritual as a complement to love conquest, remember to be naked after the ritual of lust .)

Execution of the Ritual:

"The pentagram circled, as instructed above, should already be drawn on the floor and the chamber purified."

Place counterclockwise at pentagram points, beginning with the upper left (first horn of baphomet and jumping the lower main end of the pentagram, opposite the altar) the following objects in honor of the crowned princes

1 - lucifer - incense - air element
2 - belial - container containing salt or earth .. - earth element
3 - leviathan - container containing water - water element
4 - satan - a flammable tank - fire element

A black (common) candle at each end along with the objects

At the bottom main tip (baphomet beard) light only one white candle representing you.

Follow to the altar and light the black candles first, starting in the same counterclockwise direction ... and at the end light the white candle from the center ...

Light incense on the altar, let it burn ...

Ring the bell nine times, and looking for your stealth, say ...

Here I consecrate and carry out my will and my wishes ...

Take the dagger and go to the center of the pentagram, say the words looking at the sigil of baphomet on the wall:

O great and mighty universal force, the achiever of all manifestations, you being the whole and that everything is in you, thus closing the whole cycle of existence, allow me through this magical moment, manifest my desires so that I can conceive what It is my right, by my wishes, my will and my strength ...

Returning to the altar, leave the dagger, take the sheet and write at that moment, your greatest desire, conquers, finally ... what you want ....

Roll the paper, holding it with your right hand, say ...

Here it is made ... seal in that moment and I consecrate it through the fire, my energy, my desires and my conquests ... and that no one will take it from me, except of my own will ...

Take the rolled up paper to the center (white) candle ... burn the tip by letting the flame begin to consume it and then throw it in the container ...

Go back to the center of the pentagram, sit down and meditate on your new achievement ... make it happen in your thoughts ... let it flow ... feel fulfilled ...

As soon as everything is finished (take as long as you think necessary), you are satisfied with your new acquisition (consecrated by your will), then collect the pentagram materials, candles, incense, salt or earth, water and whatever is burning. Flammable) and throw them in the recipient, which should contain the first white candle (ambient lighting), the ashes of your manuscript or something else that was deposited ... When you see that mess of mixed elements, reserve the recipient in place Open for another week as you visualize your new achievement ... every day and night ... (let the candles on the altar, incense burn out, remove, organize the altar or clean up after a week).

Be aware of the opportunities for your conquest, do not let anything happen, every detail happens to be important, believe that your effort will be manifest, you just emanate your desires to the whole ... you are part of it as you are in it and it in you ... carrying is a single force ...

You, as part of this energy, are manifest God ... you have the power to carry on, exercising your own will ...

Thanks for your time, if you liked this post, please share with your friends and don't forget do comment below.

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