Monday, March 13, 2017

How-To: The Minor Ritual of the Pentagram

The Minor Ritual of the Pentagram

The minor Ritual of the pentagram was created by the nostalgic order called "Golden Dawn", an order of Masonic / Rosicrucian style with degrees and initiations. This Order was devoted to the study of Western ceremonial magic and the study of the occult, passing through studies of qabalah, Tarot, Tattwas (symbols representing the five elements), travel in planes, among others.

Although it did not have a very long life, this order was the basis for most of the magic orders known today, and had among its members the greatest exponents of magic of the time, SL MacGregor Mathers, Aleister Crowley, Austim Osman Spare, Israel Regardie , Dion Fortune, WB Yeats, among others. These same magists eventually founded their own orders, or adapted the orders that would come to make parties, and many are around to this day.

This ritual was the first to be taught to its members, still neophytes. This was because he introduced it to invocation, and served as meditation, centering, and protection. This ritual is used by many orders nowadays, and has a large number of variations.

Here I intend to give the version as it was used by "Golden Dawn", however I will also try to give some tips on how to make a variation more Wicca. The ritual is done in three parts, the Kabbalistic cross, the formation of pentagrams and invocation of the archangels, then closing again with the Kabbalistic cross

Kabbalistic Cross:

1 - Touch the forehead and say: "Ateh" (I am I)

2 - Touch the chest and say: "Malkuth," (The Kingdom)

3 - Touch your right shoulder and say, "Go Geburah," (The Power)

4 - Touch your left shoulder and say, "Go Gedulah," (The Glory)

5- Put palm-shaped hands in front of the heart and say "Le-olam, Amen," (Forever, Amen.)

There is another version that may be more interesting for Wicca students, which I have never practiced particularly, so I can not give a personal opinion. If someone comes to practice this other variation and get good results, I would like a return. It is very similar, the differences are due to the names, no more in Hebrew and one step more.

Purifying Cross

1. "I Am I," imagining a bright white light over the head

2. Raise an arm above your head, pointing up and say "In harmony with paradise ...", and imagine the light coming down, permeating, purifying and cleaning you.

3. Lower your arm by pointing down and say "... the earth ..."

4.Touch the right shoulder and say "... the Sun ...", imagine a bright light on the right shoulder while holding the light column.

5.Touch on the left shoulder and say "... and the Moon ...", imagining the light going from one shoulder to the other.

6. Lift your palms in front of your heart and say "... for ever and ever." So be it! " Imagine a light radiating from the heart.

Now comes the main part of the ritual. Turning to the west and using a dagger, or if you do not just have your index finger. Please follow these steps:

1. Make the pentagram of the earth invoking, imagine that they are made of flames. Point to the center of the pentagram and say the divine name - YOD HE VAU HE - imagine that your voice is charged to the west.

2. Turn around and point south, make the pentagram again and say the same as the previous one, now imagining the voice go south - ADONAI.

3. Repeating the sequence, now facing east say - EHEIEH.

4. And now turned north - AGLA.

5. Return to the east, now surrounded by the four pentagrams, pointing to the center of the first.

6. Open your arms in the form of a cross and say, imagining the archangels as immense figures:

          In front of me Raphael

          Behind me Gabriel

          To my right Michael

          To my left Auriel

          Then say - "My lap flashed the staves and above me the six-spoke star"

7. Repeat the Kabbalistic cross

There is a version that invokes elemental kings, there is no certainty of effectiveness, but if someone is interested in using it to see what they will give, then the following differences would be in step 6.

6. Open your arms in the shape of a cross and say, imagining the elemental kings

           In front of me "Paralda" (Ar)

           Behind me "Necksa" (Water)

           To my right "Djin" (Fire)

           To my left "Ghob" (Earth)

           Then say - "My lap flashed the staves and above me the six-spoke star"

This ritual serves several functions, among them are:

  • Starting and closing longer rituals, it serves to create a protection.
  • As a kind of prayer, invoking at the beginning of the day, and banning the night.
  • As protection against bad magnetism, or obsession. Use the banishing and obsession ritual to visualize the problem by giving it a form, then expel it from the field of the pentagrams.
  • As meditation. Visualize the whole ritual mentally, imagine yourself wearing ritual costumes and using the dagger, do all the movements mentally.

Thanks for you time, if you liked this post, please help us sharing with your friends and don't forget to comment below! Blessed Be <3
Local: United Kingdom

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