From the point of view of Hermeticism, there is only one God, who has neither form nor attributes, who has neither name nor face, who is the beginning and the end, who is the first and will be the last, who was, is, and always it will be.
The Lesser Gods, of mythology or legends, are limited emanations of the one true divinity of Divine Providence.
For this reason they (the Lesser Gods) are treated with respect, but never with reverence or praise.
The Hermeticist, the magician, or those who aspire to be so, should not commit the sacrilege of praying for one of the Lesser Gods, who together make the Hierarchy of the Inner Gods of Man, one of the twelve hierarchies that rule the universe, as We conceive it.
The Gods are tools that must be used by the magician with the authority of the Light, with Light being the primary emanation; All things are subservient to him.
Man need not bow to any being, no matter how terrible his appearance. These horrifying forms melt, like hot wax, when struck by light.
Its essences are the dreams of the unmanifest, its forms are the dreams of humanity.
Gods are never individual creations; Are always the work of the collective mind of a society.
That is why no solitary mind can comprehend or define them completely.
Although they have their forms created by people's (conscious or unconscious) desire, the Gods are not a mere illusion, but aspects of the manifestation of collective creation outlined above, which the society in question has recognized and magically surrounded, crystallizing it into Forms with understandable motifs.
Consider the Heathen God Thor.
Some individuals believe that Thor is a fragment of the Nordic imagination, an imaginary entity, with no trace of real existence. Others will say that while it is true that Thor was created by the concentration of the will of the people, it now exists on some subtle yet real level of existence, and will continue to exist while the minds of people conceive it. Third parties believe that the human mind has nothing to do with the creation and existence of Thor, which exists independently of mankind, anyway.
All of these points of view show a weak knowledge of the nature of the unmanifest.
Human beings do not create, we are creations of God.
What humanity calls its creations are, in fact, creations of the Light of the Immanifest acting through human beings, just as the physical light shines through a prism of transparent material in the manifest universe.
When men and women began their praising Thor, they did not invent the attributes of the entity - thunder and lightning, strength, courage, fury, destruction - but they recognized the common principle behind those qualities and "focused" on it in a way with A name and a human appearance.
Thus, Thor existed before humans appeared, but he was not symbolized as a warrior with black hair, steady eyes, Herculean muscles, bearing a double-edged ax (sometimes a double-ended hammer).
By the power of the divine providence that was with them, individuals took this symbolism of the unmanifest in order to understand and control the forces of this God.
Humans did not create subjective reality.
What they did was provide a vehicle through which the existing forces could subjectively express themselves to the human race.
Giving Thor a human form, the Norse of old gave to the existing forces qualities they would not otherwise possess.
Thor pre-humanity had nothing in common with human affairs, their pleasures or sufferings.
It was not a being with memories of a past or hopes for the future.
It was a Principle of Nature, a natural contest of forces that, when shaped into a human form, could be accessible in human language and respond intelligibly to those who questioned it.
The numerous Gods that are present in practically all ancient cultures, and in some contemporary ones (Candomble, Voodoo), are all Gods with names and forms by which they are recognized, praised, limited and defined by these cultures.
They are both less and more than human beings.
They are less because they do not have free will, besides they can never evolve or become something other than what they are.
They are more because they hold immeasurable natural power, they are eternal and indestructible, at least in human terms.
Even if all mankind stops thinking about the Gods, that contest of forces that provided the focus for the God will remain, ready to receive a new name and new symbolism, from some other future culture.
Men do not create Gods, they only name them - but it is through these names that we gain power over the Gods.
The complex name of a God encompasses its form, its desires, its attributes, its abilities and limitations; Is a type of magic that surrounds and binds God to the will of the group that gave it expression.
That is why it is often said that the Gods depend on the devotion and sacrifices of their followers, without which they would vanish.
The people who give names to the Gods are at the same time servants and masters of these Gods, for by denial these Gods would be sent into the realm of the blind forces of nature from which the energy in question arose.
The relationship between men (and women) with their Gods and Goddesses, is symbiotic and mutually dependent.
The principle of the formation of the Gods in primitive societies is subconscious.
Often, even in the richest and most varied pantheon of Gods - Minors, we find a superior, almost (or completely) undefinable deity, which has been relegated to the background, that of religiosity.
Men (and women) should be ashamed when they idolize and praise images or symbols, as well as when bowing before God in name and form.
In reality, there is no difference between the two attitudes quoted above.
Both of them offend divine providence in the same way.
But this way of lying, which removes the human being from the road of cosmic evolution, is not limited to those who praise "Gods", but to all who praise any other Egogora.
And what is an Egogora?
The very same thing as "Gods-Minor" only having no humanoid form or name. As an example, we have the Egogora formed around all the divinatory arts.
In some forms of divination (Geomancy, Game-of-Runes, Opelê-ifá, etc.) there is a "mental convention" in the same way as some of the "Experimental Sciences" (Radiesthesia, Radionics, etc.).
These "mental conventions" allow the practitioner to reach the level of his extra-sensory perception.
And this is how the individual reaches the egegorie of the system in question.
As an example, let us take the practice of radionics, a system of detection of diseases and treatment of the same, done at a distance, using a testimony (photo, blood, hair, saliva, signature, etc.) of the patient.
The mental convention is to go by or rubbing one hand on a plate, in the machine, until you feel, on the used finger, a feeling of locking the printed movement.
It is in this way that the radionicist (practitioner of Radionics) reaches his level of extra-sensory perception.
And it is through this mechanism (technique) that the subject penetrates the Egogora of the radionic equipment that is using, discovering the indices corresponding to the disease researched.
The indexes, that is, numbers that correspond, in the case of radionics, to diseases and treatments, form, as a whole, the Egogora of said system.
The Egogora reached serves to inform about the existence (and the essence) of the disease, as well as how to fight it, to restore the health of the patient.
What good would it be to know only the evil part? The Egogora only has a function as a tool, in this case, the search for harmony, the lost balance.
It is up to the mage to use the tools at his disposal.
We must use the Egogora as a tool, without submitting to it, either objectively or subjectively.
In worship of the Gods, practitioners submit to the Egogora objectively. But in astrology, practitioners and practitioners submit to it subjectively, and both situations are identically disastrous.
For astrology is so far removed from astronomical reality that what acts in living beings and inanimate things are not the planetary and stellar influences but the influences of a powerful and complex Egogora that acts as it has been and is constantly programmed.
It is enough to observe the astronomical ephemeris simultaneously to the astrological ones so that it is noticed that, being the first heliocentric and the last geocentric, the distinctions are more numerous than the similarities!
Hence some astronomers ridicule astrology.
Ridiculous is to compare the two, for astronomy studies the positions of celestial bodies while astrology studies the movement and complex details of a capricious and multifaceted egegorie, which moves and interacts at all times.
But most important, it is to know that if it were the influences of the celestial stars with which we deal in astrology, it would be something more complex to change, if it were possible.
But, as it is an Egogora, everything is changeable through magical practices.
It is as in the game of rune: a tragedy advocated can be avoided by magic procedures.
In astrology, geomancy, tarology, I-Ching, any divinatory arts, everything is similar, everything can be changed.
The divinatory arts objectively express aspects of various Egogora created to facilitate the passage of man by the earth, giving parameters to the magic to act, suppressing influences, acting in bradigenesis (slowing the pace of events) or in tachygenesis (accelerating the rhythm of events ), So that we can control our destiny, giving meaning to the expression: free will!
It is for the foregoing that one understands why the predictions made within an Egogora of experimental science have a greater precision and scope than those made within the so-called divinatory arts, since, in the former, the scientific focus and the The mystic; Moreover, predictions made within an Egogora of divinatory arts have greater precision with the individual linked to that Egogora (consciously or unconsciously) and also with those that have no bond to any Egogora, than with subjects links to other Egogora.
This work does not concern the "original intelligences," either cosmic (positive) or chaotic (negative), which are pure reflections of Light (and darkness); With pure reflexes I mean that they do not pass through the prism that is the human being.
Likewise, this material does not deal with individual Egogoras, ie thought-forms, elemental, elemental-artificial, larvae, ghosts, vampires, shadows, guardians, and other individual, voluntary or involuntary creations.
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Thanks for your time and congrats to finish the second module of the first part of the Magic Course! If you need to go to the home of this course click here or if you want to go to the next module, click here! Blessed Be and Good Learning! ;)
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