Wednesday, March 29, 2017

High Magic Course - Theory | III - Basic Definitions of Spiritual Entities

High Magic Course - Theory | III - Basic Definitions of Spiritual Entities


All spiritual entities emanate from Divine Providence. Therefore, every spiritual entity is similar. Their unity is basic, their differences are superficial.

- Gods - spiritual entities of great power, created by a culture or society.

- Angel - spiritual entity dedicated to the service of the Light, to the cosmic work; Is an "original intelligence."

- Demon - spiritual entity dedicated to the service of chaos, in the service of darkness; Is an original original intelligence.

- Elemental - spiritual entity formed from a single philosophical element, and bound to it.

- Planetary spirit - spiritual entity formed from the qualities of a single celestial star, and attached to it.

- Artificial Elemental - the same as elemental, but created by the human mind, often unconsciously. It can be beneficial or harmful.

- Fabricated Elemental - almost the same as the Elemental Elemental, but always consciously created, usually with evil intentions.

- Familiar (or Famaliá) - spiritual entity that can be of a great variety, from the "spirit" of an ancestor, imprisoned by magical means, to its "shell" magically enlivened, with the use of an entity created for that purpose. It usually serves one person, or a small group of people.

- Homunculus - spiritual entity, created by an individual, in the form of a human being, which has in itself "placed" some material substances in a "physical body" without magical functions. His physical body, however, can be magically animated by specific practices (see Franz Bardon's Initiation into Hermetics). Often called "Golem", which, however, usually uses organic materials in its execution, even of human origin.

- Talismanic image - the same as Homunculus (when in humanoid form) or Settlement (when in any other format).

- Psichogone - elemental or elemental-artificial created through Sexual Magic. Do not confuse with Incubus and Succubus.

- Vampire - spiritual entities that sucks vitalities, by force, of living beings. Many sects of Black Magic make use of this type of Entity, although not exclusively of them (Kahunas, Quimbanda, etc.).

- Succubus - spiritual entity - female vampire in female form.

- Incubus - spiritual entity - sexual vampire in male form.

- Guardian - a spiritual entity consciously created by someone, to give him protection (or third parties).

- Messenger - spiritual entity which is the objective form of individual defects, imperfections, vices and passions - is an individual "spiritual demon." Unlike Choronzon (see below), which remains incognito, invisible and is characterized by being a "bad-adviser" or "bad-guardian angel", in an allegory to the individual with an angel resting on his Right shoulder and a demon perched on his left shoulder, the Messenger is a positive personification of our faults, vices and passions, so that we can contact him and get to know him, thus managing our imperfections positively. Some occultists call this entity "Terror of the Threshold," which is the very thing. The line that separates the Messenger of Choronzon is narrow and often barely perceptible; Therefore, caution. For the ritual of contacting the Messenger, see the book "The Diary of a Magician" by Paulo Coelho. Another technique with similar results can be found in Gareth Knight's book "Practices and Hidden Exercises" (p.28, The Meditation Guide); When reading the technique described there, watch the warning carefully.

- Demon of the Guard - concept spread by the Italian occultist Frank G. Ripel, that indicates a "Guardian Spirit" that is the objective representation of the "Typhonian Currents".

- Angel of the guard - concept diffused through the work "The Sacred Magic of Abramelin", with a well-known acronym in English (HGA), abbreviation of the English term (Holly Guardian Angel); This concept was brought to the public by S.L.MacGregor-Mathers, but popularized by Aleister Crowley; Spiritual entity known as Higher Self - objective form of what in subjective form we can understand as the divine spark that inhabits every human being. Represents in an objective way the "Draconian Chains". But it is not simply that. See the next addition on Augoeides and Choronzon.

- Guardian Angel-Demon - concept also spread by Frank G. Ripel; Symbolizes, objectively, the union of the "Draconian and Typhonian Chains", therefore, the "Serpent Power" awakened.

- Protective Genius - is what is popularly called "Guardian Angel" or "Guide"; It can be a disembodied human spirit, or even an intellect still disembodied, which receives the mission, at the birth of someone, from their "guard" or "counseling." It is very close during childhood, distancing itself little by little as the person grows older; In general, goes away after adolescence, except when the person seeks his "contact".

- Telematic images - objective physical appearance that various objective spiritual entities and subjective energies are used to show themselves to the human psyche.

Telematics images are the highest method of conscious creation, where the objective spiritual entities are constructed from their subjective essence, from the complex point completed, through a rational process of correspondence.

The creation of telescopic images can be compared to the process of life. It starts with an initial impulse, uses various materials and techniques, and then evolves into a pattern that consists of numerous complete blocks. The Telematics Image is a fusion of forces, desires, and EMOTIONS to which a form has been given, through the creative will of the Magician. It has its own identity and a sense of purpose of existence that revolves around the motive of the mission, which was created to fulfill. Once created, live, fear death, and use all your limited abilities to avoid the dispersion of your being. The longer you live, the stronger and more complex you will remain, because you will continue to suck the identity of the Mage who created you. They are not only the Magician's ego creatures, their nature comes from God. These spiritual entities become so concrete over time that they are easily perceived, heard and even seen by people who are unaware of their existence. When they are formed by a group of people, Magicians, they become the particular Egrégora of this group, as it happens with the Magical Shops of the numerous Initiatory Orders, with the Temples of the most varied religions, or with the Radionic Machines.

The process of creating telescopic images was developed by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

- Zodiacal spirit - spiritual entity formed of intrinsic qualities of a single sign or degree of the celestial zodiac and tied to it.

- Larva - spiritual entity created by strong emotions of a person, or as your personal magical server (then consciously created).

- Elementary - spiritual entity created by an individual, as his magical servant (consciously). It can have the most varied shapes and functions, even be symbolized as a drawing or grouped letters (Stealth). See "Liber Null & Psychonaut" by Peter J. Carroll; "Initiation into Hermetics", by Franz Bardon. They can be simply "Artificials" (unconsciously created) or "Made" (consciously created).

- Shadow - spiritual entity that is a complex type of larva.

- Ghost - spiritual entity consisting of a shell (corpses of the astral body) inhabited by a type of larva - which can occur in a conscious or unconscious way, that is, this creation can be voluntary or involuntary.

- Subconscious Automata - Austin Osman Spare's definition of the Guide Spirits.

- Archetype - the first models of the Universe are the Archetypes; Are the individual psychic structures, capable of producing symbols, images and fantasies inherent in the fundamental experiences of humanity. It is through the Archetypes that it is possible, to the individual, to go back to the sources of knowledge. As examples of Archetypes, we can mention the Tarot Arcana, the Runes, the Geomantic Figures, the Planetary and Zodiacal Symbols, etc.

- Poltergeist - German word meaning Playful Spirit; In parapsychology, refers to paranormal phenomena, such as noises with no apparent cause, objects that move by themselves (even falling alone and "flying" without any impulse by anyone), lights going off and on, spontaneous fire, etc.

- Egrégora - thought-form created by a group of people, which can be from a group of Magi from the same Magic Lodge to an entire community, even an entire society. As defined by the Thelemites, it is a thought-form or similar, created by one Magician, and adopted by another or others.

- Orixá - Entity of the group of Inner Gods of Man, formers, together, of the Egrégora of the Afro Pantheon, of the Alaketu Nation of Candomblé.

- Vodun - it fits here what was said about the Orixás, in the previous item, only that referring to Candomblé of Nation Gege or Gege-Mahim or Gege-Marrim.

- Domovoi - Spirit of the House, Egrégora of the dwellings, the Astral and Mental part of the residences. In Poland it is customary to remove it when you move.

- Inkice - idem to the Voduns, but of the Angola-Congo Nation.

- Loa - the same as Inkices, except the Voodoo Pantheon, Voudon and Hoodoo.

- Exu - Intermediate entity between humans and Orixás.

- Eshú - idem Exu.

- Exu of Quimbanda - Authentic male demon.

- Dove-Tour - Authentic female demon.

- Bombom-Gira - Like Exu, but between the men and the Inkices.

- Bongo-N-Gira - equal Bombom-Gira.

- Legbá - equal Exu, but with regard to the Voduns.

- Elegbara - equal Legba.

- Bara - equal Legba and Exu.

- Ajé - Malevolent Entity, Maximum Entity of sorcerers and evil sorcerers of the Nagô culture.

- Egum - Shell of dead people, magically revived, and then inhabited by artificially created Entity; Manifests itself in Candomblé.

- Old Black - Even though Egum, but manifests in Umbanda and Quimbanda. It represents a wise and old spirit.

- Caboclo - Same as Black-Old, but represents a brave and warlike spirit; Is considered by many to be "charmed".

- Caboclo Boiadeiro - Like Caboclo, with its peculiarities of "acculturated".

- Guide - Spirit that "guides" the individual in his actions; Can "guide" you for good or bad, for success or for failure.

- Quiumba, Kiumba - Trevious entities, being basically larvae or similar things that inhabit abandoned shells of malicious people.

- Holy Catholic - Entity Egregoric, Telematic Image, created by its believers. In fact, the same can happen with the Entities of Umbanda and Quimbanda.

- Settlement - see Igbá.

- Igbá, Ibá, Settlement - pot or similar receptacle, serving as physical body for Entity artificially created, for any purpose. See Talisman Image.

- Hold - the same as Igbá.

- Nganga - as a Gift.

- Nkisi - like Nganga.

- Ndoki - like Nkisi.

- Observation - vampire, incubus and succubus spiritual entities can be created consciously or unconsciously, always being individual or group creations that can act against the creator or against third parties.

But they always act against someone.

They are never beneficial but harmful. These entities are the inhabitants of the Qliphots.

It is important to know that the "Hierarchy of the Inner Gods of Man" is one of the hierarchies that govern our Universe, our Solar System; Therefore, it is not only an Egrégora, but also a hierarchy, of which there are many.

In his Evocation, therefore, is the same as in any Magical Evocation of Entities of any hierarchy.

That is, the magical operation in question acts both in the Magician's psyche and in the outside world.

Therefore, it is suggested to practitioners of the Magical Evocation that they work with this powerful hierarchy in the same way that they work with any other.

All the risks that apply to the other Hierarchies, in this respect, are worth here.

Thanks for your time and congrats to conclude with success the third module for the first part of this magic course! Blessed Be <3

1 comment:

  1. Oi vocês mulheres eu vou contar o que aconteceu comigo o que eu sonhava para casar construir uma família mas sempre confiei nas amizades fazer a festinha chamar as amigas para minha casa tudo que eu fazia na minha casa eu chamava minhas amigas e a minha mãe falava para mim você toma cuidado que uma das suas amigas ainda vai acabar com seu casamento e eu ficava brava nervosa e cheguei até ficar sem falar com a minha mãe confiava demais mas amizade delas uma pessoa chegou em mim e falou para mim assim eu vi o teu marido com uma das suas amigas falou até o nome dela no dia seguinte ela chegou lá em casa e eu falei teve uma pessoa que disse que viu você com meu marido aos beijos ela jurou ela chorou Ela falou para mim,para mim teu marido é mulher igual eu e eu confiei quando eu descobri ele tinha montado uma casa para ela montar uma loja e dado um carro para ela aí todo mundo Deixa ele para lá falei não eu vou reconstruir meu casamento não vou dar esse gosto para ela e vou passar o contato dessa pessoa que me ajudou eu estou compartilhando com aquela que passou ou tá passando o que eu passei por que essa pessoa me ajudou eu reconstruir meu casamento com ele eu vou passar o contato dela quem quiser procurar ela 5562995590805
