As Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), the famous and controversial English Magician, put it, "Magic is the Science and the Art of bringing about change according to Will." Therefore, Magic is the science and the art of bringing about changes, which occur in conformity with the will.
And these changes occur where, in what Sphere or Plan?
According to the same Aleister Crowley, they occur in the material world, therefore, in the physical plane. According to Dion Fortune, one of the best-known British occultists of this century, however, these changes occur in the Magician's individual consciousness.
Of whatever current we embrace, we have three distinct and very important things:
No matter what setting used for "Magic", the actual result is the same;
The result is of apparent change in the material world, regardless of whether the change occurred in the material world or only in the psyche of the operator;
Magic works.
To get a broader idea of what the word "Magic" means, we must separate it from witchcraft or witchcraft. And how to do it? Simple. In witchcraft / witchcraft, one does not understand how the elements of nature operate, one does not seek to adequately and evenly develop the hermetic qualities of man (and woman), in addition to the more dense material elements ( Stones, leaves, material fire, etc.) the essence of the Elements from which they emanate. What to say, a fire is used to attract the energy of the Fire Element, and so on.
In order to have a well-defined Magic, we must understand that it is not simply "white" or "black", selfish or altruistic, and other moral definitions: it is divided into DOGMATICS and PRAGMATICS.
DOGMATIC is the form of Magic that makes use of symbols unrelated to personal, symbolism that is different from that belonging to the subconscious of the operator.
It is the form of Magic taught in the traditional works of the subject, and in the Schools ditto.
PRAGMATIC is the one that makes use of only the personal symbols, the atavistic resurgence factor, the symbolism present in the subconscious of the operator.
Many Schools of Magic have remained in the Dogmatic system, while the most modern ones seek in the Pragmatic system an intelligent exit. Among these we can mention the followers of Masters FRANZ BARDON, PASCAL BEVERLY RANDOLPH, AUSTIN OSMAN SPARE and ALEISTER CROWLEY.
Among the followers of Aleister Crowley, who call themselves "THELEMITES" or followers of Thelema (Truth), there are those who do not fully understand his teachings, creating Dogmatic systems. But there are those who follow their teachings intelligently, for to be Thelemite is to have their own "religion", their own God, since Aleister Crowley said "there is no God but man."
Among the most brilliant followers of the aforementioned Masters I highlight a group called the "Circle of Chaos" or I.O.T. (Illuminates of Thanateros, Illuminated of Thanateros), founded by my friend Peter James Carroll, with the collaboration of other special heads like Isaac Bonewitz, Adrian Savage, Frater U .: D., among many others.
I firmly believe that Pragmatic Magic will allow the complete rescue of "Sacred Science."
The two types of Magic, Dogmatic and Pragmatic, can be present in any of the Operational Levels of Magic, as we will see below:
1) The "Five Classical Magic Acts":
A) Evocation;
B) Divination;
C) Enchantment;
D) Invocation;
E) Lighting.
The "Five Classical Magic Acts" may be present in the "Five Levels of Magic Activity":
2) The "Five Levels of Magic Activity":
A) Witchcraft;
B) Shamanism;
C) Magic Ritual;
D) Astral Magic;
E) High Magic.
In order to better define what was said in the two items above, here are brief definitions of both: (free version of "Liber KKK", contained in the work "Liber Kaos", authored by Peter James Carroll).
"Witchcraft Level"
- Evocation - the Magician creates, by hand, an image, a sculpture, a settlement; The functions can be the most diverse, defined by the Magician; The fetish is treated as a living being; May or may not contain elements of the Wizard.
- Divination - a simple model of the universe is prepared by the Magus, to use it as a divinatory tool; Runes seem adequate; Geomancy is the ideal; I-Ching and Tarot are good too; Use a lot, in all situations, keeping a diary with all the results obtained being annotated.
- Enchantment - for this function a series of instruments can be used, but in particular one must obtain a special tool, of different meaning for the Magician; To make the enchantment, the Magician makes a physical representation of the object of desire, using the magical tools to perform the theatralization of the act; For example, the doll representing the person, is baptized or something that is worth it, then pest is applied on it, then he prongs all over with pins, representing injuries to the victim.
- Invocation - here the Magician tests the limits of his ability to create arbitrary changes caused by studied modifications of the environment and behavior; For example, to decorate the entire Temple as if it were a Temple of an Egyptian God, to dress as such God, impersonating it for a certain period of time. It is what initiates do when they "incorporate" their entity.
- Enlightenment - here the Magician seeks the elimination of weaknesses and the concomitant strengthening of his virtues. Something as an introspection must be realized, to know one's own qualities and one's own defects.
"Shamanic level"
- Evocation - the Magician seeks to establish a visualization of an entity projected by him, to fulfill his desires; You can often visualize the same Entity that "sat" on the level of witchcraft. One can interact with these entities in dream, from which the concept of the "astral partner" is taken away.
- Divination - consists basically of visions responding to specific questions; The Magician interprets the vision according to his personal symbolism.
- Enchantment - the Magician tries to impress his will on the outside world by a symbolic or direct visualization of the desired effect.
- Invocation - here the Magician withdraws knowledge and power from atavism, usually from animal atavism; For this, the Magician must be "taken" by some form of animal atavism. The imitation of the attitude of the animal in question greatly helps this operation.
- Enlightenment - the Magus visualizes his own death, followed by the dismemberment of his body; Then you should visualize the rebuilding of your body and then your rebirth. It is the so-called "journey" of the Shamans.
"Level of Ritual Magic"
- Evocation - the Mage can evoke the Entity already worked on the previous two levels, or any other. In general, a sigil drawn on paper, symbolizing the evoked Entity, is enough to create the necessary link between the mind of the Magus and the Entity one wishes to evoke.
- Divination - any instrument of divination serves, but the Magician must, before the practice, sacralize the instruments of the divination, by means of some type of practice. Complex methods serve as well as simple ones, but an attitude of mind, maintaining a somewhat altered state of consciousness, is imperative.
- Enchantment - here enter into action the "Magical Weapons", which vary according to the Magician, within, of course, a universal symbolism. Concentration must be in ritual, or secrecy, rather than in the fulfillment of desire; The sigil is traced with the magic tool in the air, and the mind is brought to an altered state of consciousness. Thus, the unconscious mind comes into play, more powerful in these operations.
- Invocation - the Magician seeks to saturate his senses with experiences corresponding to, or symbolic of, some particular quality that seeks to invoke; In this case, it may be of the Universal Archetypes, through the decoration of the Temple and its person with colors, aromas, symbols, stones, plants, metals and sounds corresponding to that desired Archetype. The Magician attempts to be "possessed" by the Entity in question; The classical Divine-Forms or Magic-Postures has use here; Before any Magical Evocation, the Magician must invoke God by becoming himself.
- Enlightenment - has the characteristic of seeking (and finding) spheres of power within ourselves; Here it fits the hermetic initiation system taught by Franz Bardon in his "Initiation Into Hermetics".
"Level of Astral Magic"
All operations of this level are identical to all those practiced in the three levels described above, except that they are performed only in the mental realm, that is, in the mind of the Magician. Therefore, everything occurs on the inner planes of the Magus, from the construction of his Temple, to the most practical OPERATIONS.
"High Magic Level"
The operations at this level are high, and should be practiced only by those who are already an Initiate by the Franz Bardon system; The OPERATIONS at this level are those covered by Franz Bardon's three subsequent works (Frabato The Magician; The Practice Of Magical Evocation, The Key To The True Quabbalah).
If we want to define how the "Vital Fluid" emanates and emanates, allowing the materialization of the Magical Energies, we must study the only three ways of producing it:
1) Individual emanation of the Vital Fluid;
2) Vital Sacrifice;
3) Sexual orgasm.
And to understand the scope of Magic, we can define its breadth of power:
1) Internal microcosms - aiming to provoke transformations in the operator itself;
2) External Microcosm - aiming for transformations in other living beings;
3) Macrocosms - aiming at social or global transformations (Cosmos, environment, behavior of groups of animals or plants, collectivities, etc.).
We also have the categories of Magic, or MAGIC SYSTEMS:
It is a rigid fusion of practical Kabbalah with Greco-Egyptian Magic. His complex system of Ritual Magic is firmly based on the medieval European tradition. There is a great emphasis on Number Magic. The ritual vestments are of an impressive symbolic richness, as well as the rituals are quite varied according to the purpose and the magical degree of the participants. Their initiations are by degrees, beginning with the Neophyte (0 = 0), going to the secret degrees (6 = 5 and 7 = 4), achieved, and known, by a few; Until very recently, outside the Order it was thought to be 5 = 6 the maximum degree of the Golden Dawn. Curious that the Golden Dawn was not practiced (nor accepted) Sexual Magic.
From this system the use of Sigils was propagated, as well as the interest in Kabbalah, Numerology, Astrology and Geomancy. In addition, his interpretation and simplification of the Tattwas System of the book "The Subtle Forces of Nature" by Rama Prasad, allowed a great opening. One of the most important additions to Western occultism, given by the Golden Dawn, was through his method of "Creation of Telesmatic Images" (on the subject, see text relating to it).
Created accidentally (it was from the visit of an Entity that Aleister Crowley took the direction that would make him create this system), this Original System is currently one of the most talked about and little known. Taking as its starting point the "LIBER AL VEL LEGIS" (The Book of Law), dictated by a nonhuman Entity (the Egyptian God HORUS, God of War), the Thelemic system extended its borders by revising the Ritual Magic , Sexual Magic and the Divine Arts. It makes use, "Chain 93", of Draconian, Ofidioniana and Typhonian Currents.
Thelema, in Greek, means will.
The Thelemites recognize as numerological kabbalistic equivalent the number 93. The Thelemites call the teachings contained in "THE BOOK OF THE LAW" of "Chain 93". The two magical phrases of the Thelemites are "DO WHAT YOU WANT FOR IT IS ALL OF THE LAW" and "LOVE IS THE LAW, LOVE IS THE WILL", which relate to the most sublime secrets of the" Book of Law ". The songs "THE LAW" and "ALTERNATIVE SOCIETY", authored by Raul Seixas, define well the philosophy Thelemite, which has nothing to do with the nonsense that goes around saying. Important rituals are performed on both solstices and on the two equinoxes, which shows an influence of Witchcraft.
Aleister Crowley was initiated into the Golden Dawn; (ARGENTUM ASTRUM, STAR OF SILVER), also called GREAT WHITE BROTHERHOOD, and with the OTO (ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS, ORDER OF TEMPLES OF THE EAST), the Which he shaped according to his personal beliefs and beliefs. Many confused Thelema with Satanism, which is an immense mistake. There are many Thelemic Orders, such as the ORM (Ordo Rosae Misticae), for example, which follow the basic philosophy, but with their own dictates - such as using a "Tree of Life" with twelve "spheres" (outside Daath), Tarot with 24 Major Arcana.
There is, however, a spin-off from O.T.O, O.T.O.A. (Ordo Templi Orientis Antigua, Order of the Temples of the Ancient East), occurred when Aleister Crowley assumed the "direction" of the world O.T.O. To O.T.O.A. Remains faithful to the pre-Crowleyan tradition, containing in its leather many teachings of the Haitian VUDU. O.T.O.A. Is directed by Michael Bertiaux, whose magical formation is Franco-Haitian.
It was he who introduced the teachings of Crowley into O.T.O.A., thus making it one of the Magical Orders with the greatest amount of teaching to give. The O.T.O.A., in addition to the Chains cited above (Draconian, Ophidian and Typhonian), also makes use of the Arachnidian Chain.
The O.T.O. system also functions by degrees, ranging from grade I to VII, with much theory; From there comes the really operative degrees, the VIII (Sexual Self-Magic), the IX (Heteroerótica Magic) and the XIº (Homoerotic Magic); There is still the degree X, which is not, however, a magical but political-administrative degree, and its holder is elected by the other holders of grades IX and XI (the candidate in grade X must be one), becoming the national leader of Order. Aleister Crowley was the bearer of the magical degree XI of O.T.O ..
A variation of the Golden Dawn System, quite complete, having as its main addition to the System mentioned, the use of Sexual Magic practices - although its methods of this form of Magic do not seem to be very potent. But it contains in its bulge all the technical material of the Golden Dawn, except to have made a simplification in the symbolism of the facades. This group is led by renowned occultists Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips.
It basically consists of the use of Planetary Intelligence Sigils and Plaques, which will be Summoned, or Summoned on Talismans and Pancakes.
It is an important system that has been tapped by almost every Occult Order now in business.
Created by the group "Aurum Solis"; Is based on rituals intended to evoke or invoke the "Olympic Spirits", Planetary Entities (Intelligences), or Archetypes (Tarot Arcana, Beings or Gods / Mythological Gods, among others). It is a practical, complete, efficient system with few risks and easy to put into practice.
Created by the famous occultist William G. Gray, it is a System that seeks to merge the Western Tradition into its main manifestations: Kabbalah and Magic. Actually, the Kabbalah here is the theoretical one, which is used in all Schools of Occultism, except those that embrace the Practical Kabbalah System of Franz Bardon, of the Hermetic System. Despite this, it is a fairly complete and rational System, which has fascinated the most experienced and competent occultists of our times. The work of W.G.Gray is extensive but not excessive, which contributes to facilitate the study of this System.
Its main characteristic is to "create" (within each practitioner) a "miniature solar system". From there, each initiate works in his Microcosm and in the Macrocosms in an identical way.
It is a method of using the eastern graphic symbols representing the five elements (Ether / Akasha, Fire, Water, Air, Earth). The pertinent drawing is used as a form of meditation and expansion of the mind - mentally transforming the drawing into a "portal", from there penetrating in that "portal", going mentally in other dimensions. It is an efficient method of self-initiation.
Identical in all respects to the Tattwas System, except that drawings of the Spheres and Paths ("Paths", hence the name) of the Tree-of-Life, which is a cabalistic hieroglyph, are used. One can alternatively use Sigils of various Entities (aiming to "travel" to the places inhabited by them), or even Vévés (Sigils of Voodoo), for the same purpose - self-initiation.
It is a Christian phenomenon; Exists only because of Christianity. It is based on the God-Devil dualism, present in so many cultures; In the Well-Evil dualism present in the collective unconscious. Historically, Satanism as an organized worship never existed until the creation of the Church of Satan, founded on April 30, 1966, by Anton Szandor La Vey, California, United States. From then on, Satanism began to count on specific rituals, seeking to create its own versions of Ritual Magic and Sexual Magic, as well as having its own version of the Catholic Mass, called black Mass.
Basically, everything as it was agreed to be called Black Magic (subjecting others to our will, causing illnesses, causing accidents or misfortunes and even the death of others, gaining advantages in legal matters, illegal or immoral matters, corrupting the mind Others, etc.), takes place among the Satanists. In the chain of the Church of Satan, animal sacrifice is not preached, replaced by sexual orgasm; Human sacrifice does not exist, at least with the alleged "live" victim - it is acceptable to perform a ritual for the death of another, who will then be a "sacrificial victim", although not sacrificed on an altar, there are some Satanists who Practice the immolation of persons.
Therefore, modern Satanists may come to make human sacrifices, provided they are only in the form of rituals represented theatrically. That is, sacrifice is symbolic only.
The teachings of La Vey are based on those of Aleister Crowley, Austin Osman Spare, O.T.O. and F.S. (Fraternitas Saturni), in addition to making extensive use of the "Enochian Callings".
The Satanism of La Vey is an organized cult, having nothing to do with the Satanists who, once and for all, are the headlines of the news.
Basically, the Satanist's belief was divided into three points:
1) The Devil is more powerful than God;
2) Those who practice evil for evil, are performing the work of Satan, and therefore are his servants;
3) Satan rewards his servants with personal powers and facilitates them to satisfy and fulfill their desires.
True Satanists are rare, the vast majority of those who claim to be such are simply people possessed by unknown forces they invoked - and their destiny will be the chain, the asylum or the tomb, after the suicide.
Satanism is not Luciferianism. See below "Luciferianism".
A type of Ritual Magic whose main aim is the conversation with the Guardian Angel itself; Then there will be use of a series of Magic Squares that evoke diverse energies. It is a powerful and dangerous system, in which many experimenters have "done wrong", in fact, very badly.
The instructions given in the famous book that teaches this System should not be carried out "to the letter", in an unreflective way; But full attention should be paid to the teachings before putting them into practice. As in all ancient texts, here too much is encrypted or veiled.
From this powerful System appeared numerous practices with "magic squares" that have nothing to do with the System taught in this work.
It is a symbolically complex system, consisting of the Evocation of Energies or Entities of thirty spheres of power around the Earth. It is a powerful and dangerous system, but there are already several practical guides on the market, which allow relatively safe driving.
This system was discovered by John Dee and Edward Kelley; Later, it was perfected by the Golden Dawn, by Aleister Crowley and his many followers, among them is worth mentioning Gerald Schueler. The "barbaric names" to which many occult texts refer are the "names of power" used in this Magical System. Here, one works in a universe of its own, distinct from that known in Hermetism and Astrology.
It seeks contact with Elementals, Angels, Demons and with the Guardian Angel itself. Some experts say that the famous "Ark of the Union" is the "Tablet of the Union", fundamental piece of this System. This "Tablet of Union" is available to any Magician who crosses the "Great Abyss Abroad", after the passage through the sub-plane of ZAX, in the Akashic, Etheric or Spirit Plane, where the sub - LIL, ARN, ZOM, PEACE, LIT, MAZ, DEO, ZID and ZIP, the last among the 30 Aethyrs or subplanes. This region is just prior to the last "ring by which nothing passes", all within the concept of the Universe by Enochian physics.
To close our approach to Enochian Magic, a warning:
Very careful when pronouncing any words in the Enochian language, because they have a lot of force and can provoke manifestations in the subtle planes even if the "calls" have been made in an unconscious or inconsequential way.
Until the work of Gerald Gardner, Raymond Buckland, and Scott Cuningham came to light, Witchcraft could not be considered a magical system. Witches and wizards gather in the "covens", which in turn are found on the sabbats, the eight great festivities defined by the solstices, the equinoxes, and the equidistant days between them. The latter are considered more important.
Witchcraft is a mixture of methods of Classical Magic (Ritual, Sexual, etc.), with practices of Natural Magic (use of candles, incense, herbs, baths, potions, etc.), worshiping Pagan Entities in general. It has nothing to do with Satanism.
Good examples of what we can call Witchcraft, in Portuguese, are in the book "BRIDA", authored by Paulo Coelho. That described here shows well the System of Witchcraft, less clear, but also present in his other works. It pitiates the insistence of some people in condemning witchcraft to a lower place among the Magic Systems.
There is much in common between modern Druidism and Wicca (name given in English-speaking countries to Witchcraft). The main differences lie in the mythology used in their rituals (the Celtic), in addition to the places of worship (among oak trees or stone circles). Druidism can be devoured as a cult of Mother Nature in all its ritual manifestations.
Shamanism is the root of every form of Magic. It flourished all over the world, in the most diverse forms, giving rise to diverse cults and religions. Its origin dates back to the Stone Age, with numerous evidences of this in caves inhabited in that era.
Modern Shamanism is still embryonic, although its roots are deep and strong. The Shaman is a kind of healer, with special powers in the subtle planes. Shamanism is characterized by the ability of the Shaman to enter into trance with great ease, and whenever desired.
It consists of the Evocation of Demonic Entities, Demons, inhabitants of the "Mauva Zone" or the Qliphás. It is a unilateral variation of the Evocative Magic of the Hermetic System. Obviously it's a very dangerous system.
Where one is only and exclusively seeking knowledge and conversation with the Guardian Angel.
It is a System of Magic originating in Tibet. It is a Black Magic sect, with close links to the FOGC (Franco-Massonic Order of the Golden Centurion), which has been based in Munich, Germany, since 1825, with 98 other Shops spread all over the world.
In O.T.O.A. One makes use of Bon-Pa magic practices. Members of the Bon-Pa sect were involved with sinister organizations such as the "Black Hand" responsible for Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, which precipitated the world in World War I. During the Nazi era in Germany, members of the Bon-pa sect were seen attending the summit of power. Another name by which the Bon-Pa or Bon-Po sect is known is "The Black Brotherhood".
Many heads of state, famous artists and prominent people in society have been or are linked to Bon-Pa or FOGC - through "pacts" made with the Dark Forces. It is worth noting that in Nazi Germany all Hermetic Orders were prosecuted and proscribed - except FOGC. And in China, after Mao Tse Tung's seizure of power, all sects were prosecuted and proscribed - except Bon-Pa.
Were Hitler and Mao Tse Tung members of them, as well as their main minions? It is worth reading the work "FRABATO", authored by Franz Bardon, and the August 1993 issue of the magazine "PLANETA" (Editora Três). In both, much is revealed about the history of these sects - including their nefarious practices.
Created by Austin Osman Spare, the rediscoverer of the Cult of Priapo. It is the first organized manifestation of Pragmatic Magic. It is based on the fusion of Sexual Magic with Magical Sigilization. Frater U .: D .: "Practical Sigil Magic" reveals its secrets. It is an efficient system, but it is not for anyone, only for the open-minded and without prejudice. The reason is simple: his method of Sexual Magic is what is known as "Degree VIIIº" in O.T.O., that is, Sexual Self-Magic.
Runes are letter-symbols, each with varying and distinct meanings. It has use in Divination, in Pantacular Magic and in Meditation.
Unfortunately, the Kabbalah of the Runes was lost forever in the night of time. The Runes are entirely Teutonic in origin. The Runes have become one of the most important magical alphabets, perhaps because of their power as emitting elements of wave-of-form, perhaps because of the ease of their writing.
ICONIC or ICONOGRAPHIC SYSTEM (former Hebraic System):
Developed by JEAN-GASTON BARDET, with the collaboration of JEAN DE LA FOYE, it is a technically complex system, which consists of using the letters of Hebrew as a source of wave-form emissions.
Today, with the System improved by António Rodrigues, these letters, as well as other symbols or icons, are used to detect and create "esoteric states" as well as to neutralize or alter various subtle energies. It is one of the most powerful that exists, within the vision of emitters and detectors of waves-of-form.
Rodrigues introduced many "words of magical content" into this System, many of which came from Aleister Crowley's "777". If it is used as a form of meditation, or together with the Symbolic Kabbalah (which makes use of the hieroglyph of the Tree of Life), it is efficient for the practice of Pathworking.
Despite being considered as a primitive religion, VUDU is, in fact, a system of Magic, which is quite complete.
In it we find Invocation, Evocation, Divination, Enchantment and Enlightenment. Practices not found in the other Afro Cults (Candomblé, Lucumí, Santeria), as for example Sexual Magic, present in VUDÚ, although in a not very improved form, except inside VOUDON GNÓSTICO and HOODOO.
The possessions that occur in VUDÚ (as in Candomblé, Lucumí and Santeria), are real, fruit of the Magical Invocation of the Gods, Goddesses and other Entities. It is not an exteriorization of some kind of dual personality, or a possession by Elementares or Envoy Shells (as is usually the case in religions that use the same practices).
Possession in VUDU is a complete and real phenomenon. God "mounts" the individual in the same way that a human being rides a horse. Entities "rise" from the ground to the body of the individual, first penetrating their feet, hence "rising", and this is a unique sensation, which can only be described by those who have had such experience.
Each LOUD (God or Goddess) of VUDU has its distinct personality, specific powers, regions of authority, plus badges or emblems - vevés and tools. I firmly believe that a merger of the Afro Cults will only bring benefits to all practitioners of Sacred Science.
The advances of the VUDÚ were so many, especially of the Gnostic Voodoo, of the ESOTERIC VUDÚ and of the VUDÚ of the NEW AEON, that among its practices there is even a Radionic-Psychotronic System, which makes use of Radionic Machines with the conventional Radionic purposes Health, prosperity, success, harmony, fighting the Dark Forces and the Psychic Killer Forces, combating Magic Implants, etc.), as well as favoring mental and astral "journeys" - time travel! This System was baptized, by its practitioners, of VUDUTRONICS.
VUDU is, in due proportion, a "Theological Religion," since the "individual truth" sought in the Thelemic System culminates here with the discovery of the individual God, resulting in an "Individual Religion," that is, The Deity and all the religion of an individual is totally distinct from what it is for any other person.
And this is Thelemic, at least in its broadest sense. The Voodoo Entities are "seated" (fixed) in various receptacles, ranging from pots containing several mixed organic elements (the Settlements), to bottes with cover, passing through the Atuas - wooden boxes painted with the Sigils (Vévés) of the Loas , With lid, highly attractive to spirits.
But practices using elements of Natural Magic, such as herbs, baths, smokes, foods offered to Entities, are all practices added after VUDÚ, not an integral part since its inception. In the Voodoo one makes use, besides the Egrégora of the own cult, of the Currents Aracdoniana, Insectoniana and Ofidiana.
The Magic of Chaos originates in the works of Austin Osman Spare, rediscovered by the Cult of Priapus. The Magic of Chaos is currently widely publicized by its organizer Peter James Carroll as well as Adrian Savage.
Chaos Magic practitioners are considered to be magical heirs to Aleister Crowley (and O.T.O.) and Austin Osman Spare (and ZOS-KIA CULTUS).
Its system seeks to encompass everything that is valid and practical in Magic, discarding everything that is more complex than necessary. It is characterized by having no prejudices against any form of Magic, as long as it works!
It is becoming the most influential Magic System among the intellectuals of modernity. Among its most important practices it is worth mentioning the use of Sexual Magic, especially the "left hand" methods.
Their magic degrees are five, in descending order: 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st and 0th.
It consists of the use of physical elements, in the form of performing acts of Mummy Magic (eigens of persons, representing them, becoming receptacles of the magical acts destined to those), as well as in the use of energetic baths, smokes, powders, ointments, etc. ., In order to obtain magical results by the "way of least effort".
A variation of Ritual Magic, which is based on the mythology present in the horror stories of the author HOWARD PHILLIPS LOVECRAFT, especially in the God Cthulhu, and in the magical book The Necronomicon (frequently quoted by the author). Currently, several groups make use of this system in practice, among them being worth mentioning the I.O.T., O.R.M. And the Church of Satan.
Frank G. Ripel, Italian occultist who leads O.R.M., can be considered the most important promoter of this Magic System, besides being the renovator of The Theemic System; But the I.O.T. Has been responsible for the modernization (and rational explanation) of this powerful System. In fact, powerful and dangerous, therefore attractive. So appealing was a collection of RPG's about the cult of Cthulhu, the Necronomicon and other ideas of H.P.Lovecraft.
Much like the OTO (Thelemic) Magic system, centralizing its practices in Sexual Magic (especially in Left Hand practices), Ritual Magic and Electronic Magic, however, it has a fundamental distinction from the system preached by Aleister Crowley: While in the OTO one seeks fusion with the Creative Energy, through the dissolution of the ego, in the Fraternitas Saturni (FS) one seeks to elevate the human spirit to a condition of Divinity, reaching the same state as that of the worshiped Divinity: LUCIFER, the upper octave of SATURNO, whose central region is DEMIURGO, and whose lower octave is SATAN, SATAN, SHATAN or SATAN (and its female counterpart, SATANA). Therefore, Lucifer and Satan are distinct entities.
In F.S., there are 33 degrees, some magicians, some administrative.
System broadly explained (in theory and practice) in the works of Franz Bardon, reincarnation of Hermes Trismegistos (according to his self-biography entitled "FRABATO, THE MAGICIAN"). The Hermetic system preaches a gradual development of the Energies in the human being, starting from simple exercises of breathing and mental concentration, until the dominion of the elements, from there to the Magical Evocation, and even to the Cabala, where one learns the mysticism of the letters and the use Magician of words and sentences, some of which were used to perform all the miracles described in the Bible and other sacred texts. I consider this the most complete and perfect Magic System. It is the only totally rational and scientific system.
As mentioned above, it is the practice of the mysticism of letters (that is, knowledge of colors, musical notes, natural elements and their respective qualities, regions of the body in which each letter acts, etc.), hence of words and sentences; The use of more than one letter, cabalistically, has the name of Kabbalistic Formula. And Tantra? Tantra in the East, Kabbalah in the West. There are many Tantra schools, many Kabbalah schools, but the one I like the most is that of Franz Bardon. It seems to me the most complete and accurate.
Many Occult Schools, which use Kabbalah as part of their teachings, do so using the so-called Theoretical Kabbalah, which is based on the hieroglyph of the Tree of Life and its attributions. Few Schools use Practical Kabbalah, as taught by Franz Bardon. The differences between practical and theoretical Kabbalah are many, but as the main distinction, personal enrichment is only theoretical, ie intellectual, in the Theory of Kabbalah, while in Practice one learns, if one understands, one lives the reality of Mysticism of Letters. The same knowledge that was used to create everything that exists in the Universe. It is simultaneously Dogmatic and Pragmatic.
It is an "accessory" form of Ritual Magic, using "Tesla Coil" or "Van De Graff Generator" factions to generate powerful energies to potentialize the rituals.
It is a form of Pragmatic Magic, since it uses the Magician's own symbolism (since it will determine the numbers to be used, the time of exposure to the power of the equipment used, or a huge series of passable "things" Of psychotron emission, detected or determined by radiesthetic or intuitive means), combined with electricity and electronics, to produce their effects. Although it is often sophisticated, it has the same kind of action as other varieties of Ritual Magic, that is, it depends entirely (or almost) on the magical qualities of the operator.
It is a form of Dogmatic Magic, since it makes use of unparalleled faces and symbols in the Magician's sub-conscious; This exception applies to graphs which depend on a radiesthetic selection of their design, such as the Alpha-Omega system (where numeric numerals and the number of circles in turn are selected to construct the graph).
In this, this system pragmatic. To exemplify the practical use, two-dimensional or three-dimensional equipment is used; The first are the graphs of emissaries, compensators and modulators of Form Waves, while the others are pyramid-type apparatuses, hollow spheres, half-spheres, spatial arrangements that look like mobiles, etc. In this system, in its three-dimensional part, is used the pendulums, forks and other radiesthetic, rhabdomantic and geo-biological instruments.
It is the only modality of Magic that, although totally embedded in the system of Magic Ritual, and unique heiress of the Psychotronic system, gathers in itself, simultaneously, the characteristics of Dogmatism and Pragmatism.
The methods used for the detection of energies are clearly Pragmatic, since they use pendulums (dowsing) or friction plates (systems subject to the Law of Synchronicity, Carl Gustav Jung).
The "heart" of the Radionic system, however, is not its detection method (since there are devices with no detection system, such as the Peggotty Board), but its index system.
These indexes are usually discovered or created by the researchers of the system in question, and passed on to the other users of the system, who are not necessarily researchers.
Thus, when using indices developed by other people, one is operating in the Dogmatic system, although the numbers present in the indices are always common to the mind of any operator - but the sequences in which they appear, which form the indices, do so In a way unknown to the subconscious of the operator, thus dogmatically.
When, however, we use indexes that are the result of our own research or experiences, we then work in a Pragmatic way.
Therefore, in the case of Radionics, only our own research allows a totally Pragmatic work.
Much like the Voodoo System, but simplified. In fact, Candomblé is a cult of the Gods and Goddesses of the Nagô pantheon, where Natural Magic predominates, with a great emphasis on animal sacrifices, the creation of Artificial Elementals and other magical practices - such as herbal baths, the use of Magic powders, etc. -, besides Evocations and Invocations of the worshiped Deities. It is a System of great potential, unfortunately made, over the years, inferior to the Voodoo from the point of view of initiation.
It consists in the Invocation of Entities of an own and extremely complex pantheon, in order to obtain the favors of the "embodied" Entities; There is also the Evocation when making "offerings" of different things to the Entities. It's basically a cult of "White Magic."
Much like the Umbanda System, only here we work with demonic Entities; Is basically a cult of "Black Magic".
An enhancement of the Witchcraft System, Wicca is a very well organized and systematized religion, where it was abolished the practice of animal sacrifices, which was frequent in Witchcraft. There is a more elitist branch of Wicca, the Seax-Wicca, from the followers of Gerald Gardner, who seeks to enhance Wicca, turning it into a cult less dogmatized than traditional Wicca.
Here we have an opening for seven subsystems, namely:
Basically a method of Sexual Magic that seeks spiritual elevation through sex. It has three degrees of sexual magical fitness - the VIII, IX and XI. It may be considered the Western Tantra. See "Thelemic System".
It is very similar to O.T.O., but it makes use of not only the physical Magic practiced physically, but also of astral practices of this type of Magic.
Created by dissidents of O.T.O., it has a more modern view of Sexual Magic. His view on grade XI is particularly distinct.
It is derived from O.T.O., but openly Luciferian. See "Luciferian System".
Created by the Ansariehs or Aluites of old Syria, it is the first of the modern methods of Sexual Magic.
Created by Pascal Beverly Randolph, an initiate among the Aluites, it is a scientific method of Western Sexual Magic, very powerful and dangerous. His creator was a physician, and committed suicide after many problems in life - was mulatto, liberal politician, libertine, resident in the United States. In the nineteenth century!
Created by Austin Osman Spare, it consists of the magical use of "Self-Sexual Magic" or "Self-Love." It is also a very powerful and dangerous system. Its creator, talented plastic artist, died forgotten and almost in the misery. See for yourself.
Created by Robert North, scholar of Franz Bardon, P.B. Randolph, Aleister Crowley, and other masters of the occult. It has its doctrine, the Palladians, in the concept of the pre-Adamic human being, that is, in the bisexual human being, for whom sexual intercourse was unnecessary for procreation.
These beings were the "Elohim," "Sons of God," who created "sin" by sexually relating to one another - which was unnecessary - and provoking the "fall" of mankind. With "sin" came "punishment": God divided the sex of human beings, which led to their expulsion from "Eden", their "Expulsion from Paradise."
Based on this belief, in addition to seeking to decipher the hidden teachings of all Masters, and to interpret the occult meaning of literature, the Palladians seek to bring light to the misunderstood concept of Sexual Magic.
And to conclude, who coined the terms "Dogmatic Magic" and "Pragmatic Magic"?
Eliphas Lévi introduced the term linked to Magic, with his work "Dogma and Ritual of High Magic." Frater U.:D., In his "Secret of the German Sex Magicians", and particularly in the "Practical Sigil Magic", introduced the term "Pragmatic Magic".
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