Thursday, March 2, 2017

4 Ways to working with the goetia system

Ways of working with the goetia system

"There is a lot of mythology about the Goetia system, and a lot of people talk without authority, and many authorities on the subject prefer to keep silent." Without great mysteries, it's basically a multi-purpose invocation system. "- Morbitvs.

Understanding the Goetia:

When it comes to Goetia magic, there are four ways to work with these spirits.

Regardless of the ceremony being applied with triangle, circle, drumstick and any other fetishes or just mentally focusing on the devil and accessing him, these forms are the subsidies for any practitioner.

The request Way

The most recurrent among practitioners is based on only contacting the spirit and entering into communion with it. When I say communion, it is based on seeing the spirit is willing to accomplish what you ask. Generally, when treated with respect the same can simply accept without any delays.

The petition is a form contrary to ceremonial magic, which does not seek to understand the will of the spirit, only by subjugating it to achieve the desired effect. However, if you have a problem with what you need, the effects tend to be potentiated. When you get a "no", the magician search for another daemon.

One of the common ways to prove this, is to draw the seals of the spirits that are associated with what you want, with all the seals in front of you, ask clearly who want to make what you want. It may be that one, two or more (as well as none) respond. The ideal is that of those who respond, or the magician then seeks to select which is the greatest affinity and then contacts him.

The spirit does not always ask for something in return, often only realizes because it is being fed directly from the magician's desire.

The Negotiation Way

The famous "deal", "covenant" is customary among Goetia practitioners. They Seek in this form, reward the spirit with some kind of sacrifice - which can range from drinks, incense, candles, blood or fluids. Within this form of work, practitioners claim to only give the food after the request be completed. Others, however, give one part at the time of the bargain and another after he has fulfilled. LöN Plo spent a few years practicing this way - He cut off his hand with a stiletto and gave blood to the spirit, promising to give more blood when the spirit complete what was requested.

When you negotiate with the spirit one can make two things - or you offer what you will do for him or ask what him want in return. It may be enough for some of them to ask for just one candle. All that needs to be done and speed. When it comes to a waiting period, there are two or three months, a personalized petition and negotiation as best to work due to resource saving without interlude with the spirit.

The Threat Way

One of the inherited forms of stregheria and popular Catholic magic, threatening the spirit is also a way to get what you want. The practitioners of goécia make a "voodoo" of the spirit with the seal of the same. Drawing it into a sturdy metal and then bruising the metal, burning it as usually done, so that the spirit feels the pain of fire and then surrenders to the will of the magician. In the case of Samuel Liddell "MacGregor" Mathers, this practice is done by placing the seal with sulfur in a metal box, on top of the fire.

Another threatening practice is done by calling the superiors of the spirit. In Goécia, two spirits stand out saying who are their superiors - Paimon and Belial. Johann Weyer's book, Pseudomonauchia Daemonum (1577), which was the basis for the construction of Solomon's minor key - the Goetia - reveals details about these relationships. 

In Goetia, Lucifer is said to be the "chief" of all spirits. As can be seen in the material quoted above, as in any modern translation of Goetia, when referred to in the texts of Paimon and Belial, this connection between the spirits and Lucifer is revealed. If Lucifer is not summoned, the practitioner may appeal to divine powers - conjurations to the archangels and god names to force the spirit to fulfill that request. It is interesting to note that the practice of goetia, ceremonially speaking, is based almost entirely on this - a triangle is drawn by the name of Michael, conjures up the Unborn and then by the names of God, the spirit. Some practitioners are deeply against this type of practice, finding it unnecessary and almost never effective. In the words of LöN Plo, "Before you curse the pizza man, remember that he is making his pizza and that he can do whatever he wants with it, and in it."

The Cult Way

During the college years, Morbitvs practiced this form with Belial. He would offer raw meat daily to the spirit and then ask for what he wanted. According to him, there was nothing at this time that he failed. The point was that he was getting hooked on it and then losing control and therefore severed the bonds with the spirit.

Cult can be done in many ways. Crowley practiced offering sexual fluids to the spirits regularly to accomplish his feats. Other practitioners may use blood. Wine, candles, incense, fruits, water, bread, blood ... The offer is in charge of the practitioner, which regulates the days and times in which he intends to perform his cult of the spirit. Usually establish a "bond of friendship" with the spirit, which remains close to the operator, influencing the same. Some practitioners claim that worship is the strongest and fastest way to achieve results and that there is no offering - there is investment.

Modern demonolatry brought this type of practice, along with altars and various associations to spirits. Some practitioners believe that spirits do not need any kind of offering to accomplish anything at all. Others in discrepancy say that any spirit needs energy to make a request.

Personal experience is the best authority when it comes to that. Magically there is no unanimity, so the magist should dare to work and develop his own forms of work from among these bases.

This amazing post is a translated version of this Portuguese article on Morte Súbita Inc.

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Local: Califórnia, EUA

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