Monday, March 6, 2017

Djinn: The Fire Genie

Djinn - Who and What are..

Djinns are magical creatures with powers for make good and evil, their remote origin of creation of the times! Find out who the real lamp geniuses are.

Who and What the Djinns are?

Jinns or Djinns (Dinns) are evil or beneficent spiritual beings. They have the power to preside over the destiny of the people and cities they have dominion over. They were created by God in a period between the creation of the Angels and the creation of man.

In the Qur'an 'Jinn' means only "a spirit" or an invisible or hidden force. In some folk stories, such as 'The Thousand and One Nights', they were personified in fantastic forms, possessing enormous powers, capable of realizing the deepest desires of those who mastered them.

Its definition varies greatly from culture to culture, in short the Djinns belong to the same category of Angels, the so-called category of Geniuses, known to the esoteric as "category of elementals." Angels are geniuses just like Djinns.

In the Qur'an (Holy Book of the Muslims), exactly in Surah 55, the Archangel Gabriel reports that man was created from clay, while the Dijnns (geniuses) were created from a flame of fire.

The Four Djinn Categories

There are basically 4 categories of Djinns and they are divided according to the elements: fire, water, air and earth. Your characteristics:

  • The Air Djinn: marked by the feeling of tiredness, lack of courage to do things ... They can be stuck in special bottles, as in the legends.
  • The Water Djinn: has the power to negatively influence the person in the emotional aspect, leading them to depression and compulsive cries. In cases of suicide the depressed person chooses to drown.
  • The Earth Djinn: People who suffer from the influences of this spirit can not stay indoors, they feel a strong desire to go to the countryside, their clothes bother them, only being at ease when they are naked.
  • The Fire Djinn: is responsible for the feeling of hatred, envy. He is more active, usually does not kill his possessed, however he can use it to kill another human being.

How to Summon a Djinn

Through rituals it is possible to invoke them, but attention; The Djinns are not always those nice beings like, 'Genius of Aladin'. They can be perverse and treacherous, to the point of killing those who invoked him instead of fulfilling their desires.

The presence of Djinn will be marked by a feeling of warmth. If you have done everything correctly and put faith in your call, the Djinn will listen to your desires and desires, and you can perform them, but remember; The Djinn is self-serving, he will not do anything for free, he will demand something in return ... Another thing, he won't ask for your soul ... the Djinn does not work with that kind of pact. As he is the master of dreams and desires, you may during his sleep make a bargain with him.

Invoking the Djinn with Qur'an:

Fire Djinn
Ritual Schedule: Midnight.
Material: Red chalk; 4 red candles; Book of the Qur'an - Text of the 18th Surah; A handful of washed sand; A compass.

With a red chalk draw on the floor a large letter "C" almost closing. The opening is where you will enter the circle, it should stand in opposition to Mecca, so if you live in Brazil, the direction is Northeast. Do not tread on risk. With the compass also locate the North, South, East and West, and for each point in the circle light a candle and put in its base a little sand (symbolizes the desert)

Before entering the circle, turn it counter-clockwise 18 times. Then inside the circle, stand facing northeast, kneel, touch your forehead on the floor and call for the Djinns do Fogo "IBLIS", use all your feeling and desire to invoke your presence. On your knees, lift your trunk, read Surah 18 from the end to the beginning, word for word. If you can read phoneme by phoneme better yet.

At the end of the reading make your request and burn the sheet (with the inscription of the Qur'an) on one of the candles.

Invoking the Djinn with Bible:

*The same process can be done with the Bible, but with some modifications:

Fire Djinn
Ritual Schedule: Midnight.
Material: BLACK coal; 4 black candles; Book of the Bible - Text Genesis; A handful of coal dust; A compass;

With the charcoal stone draw a large letter "C" on the floor almost closing. The opening is where you will enter the circle, it should stand in opposition to Jerusalem, so if you live in Brazil, the direction is Northeast. Do not tread on risk. With the compass also locate the North, South, East and West, and for each point in the circle light a candle and put in its base a little coal dust (symbolizing the ashes)

Before entering the circle, turn it counter-clockwise 18 times. Then inside the circle, stand facing the Northeast, kneel, touch your forehead on the floor and call the Fire Djinn "LUCIFER", use all your feeling and desire to invoke your presence. On your knees, lift your trunk, read the book of Genesis from chapter 6 to chapter 1 from the end to the beginning, word for word. If you can read phoneme by phoneme better yet.

At the end of the reading make your request remove the bible read sheets and burn them in one of the candles.

Symbology used in invocation:

- The color red = fire
- Sand = desert
- The risk in the form of C = Means the Crescent, the crescent moon
- The candle = fire element
- Coal = fire action
- Mecca = holy city of Muslims
- Jerusalem = holy city of Christians
- Nº 18 = The moon; The Crescent Moon; In the Qur'an The surah 18; In the bible the eighteenth verse of Genesis where it occurs to the separation of light and darkness; In the Tarot cards the 18 means the duality between white and black, light and darkness, right and left.
- Genesis 1-6 = creation of the world and man
- Surah 18 = creation of the world and man
- Throws forehead on the floor = act of invoking by submission, request

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Local: California, EUA

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