Monday, March 27, 2017

The best introduction in Enochian magic for Novices

The best introduction in Enochian magic for Novices

This work is a brief introduction to the magickal system known as Enochian Magic, aimed at beginners who wish to know the basics of it before embarking on a deeper study of it. A brief history, the alphabet, pronunciation techniques, the Tables, an overview of the entities involved and a brief summary of the techniques will be presented.


Enochian Magic is a powerful magical system (not a Tradition, it should be noted) that uses an ancient language presented to modern man by the magician John Dee and the sensitive Edward Kelly in the 16th century. Using a collection of crystals and stones Kelly communicated with forms of angelic intelligence while Dee led the experiments, took care of the procedures, and wrote down the results of each section. In this way the Enochian language - base of this magical system - was discovered (or perhaps, rediscovered). Later this system was enlarged by Aleister Crowley by the revelation of its planetary and numerical correspondences, which made possible the creation of the Enema Gematria.

It is important to emphasize that the angelic entities with which one deals with Enochian Magic do not correspond per se to the popupar conception of angels or kabbalistic. We can not think of the Enochian Angels as the contemplative and willless figures who are the Cabalistic angels. And under no hypothesis can one think of them as the pathetic creatures called "angels" of certain branches of the "New Age" movements.

For all means and ends are considered private entities with whose care must be careful. An Enochian Angel is an ancient intelligence, these entities represent powerful energies which should not be treated lightly.

The Enochian Alphabet

This represents the angelic language that was transmitted to Dee and Kelly, being so powerful that it had its names announced from back to forward, in order to prevent the accidental conjuration of some entities. It was believed that the simple pronunciation of the name of this entity would be enough to conjure it, or at least some aspect of it. This language was called "Enochian" because of the biblical patriarch Enoch, who was said to have "walked with God". This was also the name of a group of adherents practicing the occult during the Middle Ages. Here is a table showing this alphabet:

It should be noted that according to Crowley's work as already stated, each letter presents its planetary, elemental, and Major Arcana correspondence in addition to its Gematric value.

For the use of this magic system is essential the correct pronunciation of names and formulas. There is a certain similarity between the pronunciation of this language and that of the Hebrew language, being that by a facility (often graphic) the corresponding Latin characters are usually used. The ten main rules of pronunciation are:

   1. Most consonants have one or more eh. For example, the letter b (B) is pronounced beh and the letter k (K) is pronounced keh.

   2. Most vowels are pronounced with a slight h at the end. Examples: a (A) is pronounced ah and e (E) is pronounced eh.

   3. The Enochian word sobha (SOBHA) is pronounced in three syllables:

      SO (SO) -soh

      B (B)-beh

      HA (HA) - hah

This is a general rule for words.

   1. The letter g (G) can be pronounced as gu (as in "cat" or "war") or as j (as in "ice" or "chalk").

   2. The letters I and Y have the same character: i. In this way they can be exchanged for having the same pronunciation. The same occurs with the letters V and U (v). When in Latin representation, the letters J and W are rarely used.

   3. The letter x (X) may have the sound of an s (as in "samekh") or tz (as in "tzaddi").

   4. The letter s (S) can be both pronounced as ess and as seh.

   5. The letter r (R) has both rah and reh and air pronunciations.

   6. The letter z (Z) is pronounced as zeh but can be changed with the letter s (S).

   7. The vowel i (I) was pronounced, as in Portuguese.

Generally speaking, when it comes to Enochian, the pronunciation of words takes on a fluid form, going from syllable to syllable without a sense of "breaking." There is almost the idea of ​​a song, a rhythm. Rarely will an Enochian word have a harsh sound. When it comes to entity names, the ideal is for each name to flow in a single breath.

Some words will have more than one possible pronunciation. This occurs because they come from the Enochian Tables, which contains more than one letter in each of the cells. As a general rule, pronunciation should include all letters. If it is not possible to do so, the above letter should be used.

Some names should not only be pronounced but "vibrated" - especially during invocations. This "vibration" should be performed as the sound occupying not only the summoner's mouth but his entire chest, extending to the limbs and head. When verbally "vibrated" the names must also possess a mental and spiritual projection. For this to happen, the summoner must be in full concentration.


Within the system of Enochian magic basically comprises two sorts of magical operations: the invocation of the spirits and the astral trip. Both types have been used with the same effectiveness. It should be remembered that this system works because this is the Will of the magician; That is, an intense discipline is necessary here so that the determination of the Will can be removed from the whim.

These invocations or astral journeys, in one way or another, involve displacement through the Cosmic Planes. The knowledge of these Plans is a central point in the study of Enochian Magic, complementary to that of language. As in Kabbalistic doctrine, in the Enochian system the deity is expressed from the highest to the lowest, "deepening" as it descends. This structure is presented in the following table, which presents the cabalistic divisions of the Plans and their corresponding Enochians (with the bodies assumed in them).

An interesting reminder is that we do not need, by any special operations, to create the bodies used in each plane, since we already have them all.

More than the Plan divisions found in magical systems such as that of Kabbalah, which sees these Plains as concentric spheres, the Enochian system divides them into thirteen subplanes or zones, called Aethyrs.

The Enochian System defines that in each of the planes there is the presence of a called Watchtower. The four Watchtowers corresponding to the four physical elements (earth, water, air, and water) circle our plane, each in a different Cosmic Plane. Above these Towers there is an area called the Union Tablet, which occupies the Spiritual Plane above the Abyss.

In order to allow the study of the Towers and their hierarchy, Dee and Kelly created quadrangular tabules, representative of each of the Towers and Union. These tabs represent the guiding thread of the Enochian magic system, being a representation of the Cosmos, such as the life tree. All the names of all Angels and their hierarchies can be found on these tablets. The Aethyrs can be seen as concentric squares surrounding the Towers, with each quadrant having a complex inner representation of the interlacings of the physical elements.

A complete study of these structures goes far beyond the purpose of this summary, however we shall leave here a small idea of ​​this whole.

The Tablets

It should be known that just as each tablet represents one of the physical elements, these four can be united in a Great Tablet, through a unifying cross. This cross, when rearranged in the form of a square forms the Union Tablet, representing the Spirit. Due to this internal structure, a hierarchy of entities relative to each element is formed. The hierarchical degrees are: Names (or Sacred Names), Kings (or Great Kings) and Lords.

The Sacred Names are obtained in the central column, called "Spiritus Sancti Line". The names of the Great Kings are obtained from the center of each tablet and forming a spiral. And the names of the Lords are obtained in the central line and in the two central columns of each quadrant, reading from the inside out. For the sake of caution these names will be omitted from this study. It will be known, however, that knowledge of the names of these angelic entities is not enough. For an effective use of Enochian Magic is essential knowledge of the characteristics of each of these entities, obtained through Gematria and Enochian knowledge of the meaning of each of the names. Such knowledge provides not only the science of which of the entities to be contacted but which mental images should be used during the magical operation.

Through further study of the Tables, other hierarchies can be found. To these hierarchies, for the sake of convenience were given the names of: Kerubics (Cherubim), Archangels and Minor Angels. Evidence was also found of creatures known as Enochian Demons.

Rituals of Invocation

Each group of angelic entities has its own ritual form of invocation / banishment, based on the elemental hexagrams. For example, an Enochian invocation ritual for Higher Entities follows the following basis:


   1. Determination of the King or Lord to be invoked (traditionally no names are invoked), depending on the purpose of the Invocation ritual.

   2. Determination, in the corresponding Tablet, of the planetary element and sign relative to the entity (in the case of Kings, all six planetary signs are used).

   3. Memorizing the pronunciation of all the names involved (Name, King and, depending on, Lord).

   4. Verification of the hexagram (s) to be used.

   5. Positioning against the appropriate Watchtower (air = east, water = west, earth = north, fire = south).


   1. Air tracing of the appropriate hexagrams with the Wand starting at the apex corresponding to that Lord's planet or at the top if it is a King making the movement clockwise.

   2. As the complete hexagrams, repeat the name and name of the King involved and, as the case may be, the Lord. Conformation on the characteristics of that entity


   1. Draw the same hexagrams of the invocation ritual, but now counterclockwise.

There are also ritual forms for the invocation of Cherubim, Archangels and Minor Angels, which we will not introduce in order not to overextend this work.

Astral Rituals - Spiritual Vision

Many times a magician is frustrated by not perceiving more direct manifestations of the entity being invoked. This is due to the limiting factor of the Paradigm. However, there is a way to eliminate this factor. For this we must reduce the scope of reality to the magician himself. That is, instead of invoking non-earthlyness for our plan the magician goes to the plane of the entity. To this Dee and Kelly called "Spiritual Vision"; Or as it would be today, astral travel.

Three forms of work can be used, namely:

   1. Visualization: method most recommended for beginners, recalls clairvoyance. Basically uses symbolism and meditation to activate the inner vision, in order to obtain the visions corresponding to the Tables and quadrants.

   2. Astral travel: uses the techniques of astral projection to launch the magician to the Aethyrs.

   3. Ascent: more advanced form of the prior art, it is strongly recommended only for experienced magicians. Similar to the astral projection but with a deeper experience.

To facilitate the magical work, Dee and Kelly also prepared a series of Calls (or Keys), to be used. They are numbered 49, and the first (numbered as 0) has no words and is used in an attempt to clear the mind for ritual. The same key is used for all Aethyrs, with only the name of the Aethyr being added. In the Call this name is usually left blank so that the magician fill it with the name suited to his needs.


The Enochian Magic system is a powerful form of magical experience. His study is rewarding to all those who wish to broaden their knowledge in this field. Many other correlations can be found in the studies of the Tables, such as those between Aethyrs and the Tree of Life or the correspondences between the angelic entities and the Egyptian pantheon.

It is not a simple form of study but it is certainly surprising to every discovery and can be an invaluable tool for the magician.

This article is a translated version of the original by: Fra. Horus Episkopos, O.T.O. - Brazil / Oasis Quetzalcoatl.

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