Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Angelic Hierarchy with Princes and your Guardians

Angelic Hierarchy with Princes and your Guardians


There are 9 Angelic Hierarchies and each one is ruled by a Prince, who in turn rules 8 Guardian Angels. Know below the Angelic Princes of each hierarchy and their respective Angels:

METATRON: He's the Prince of the Seraphim.

His Guardian Angels are: 
  1. Vehuiah 
  2. Jeliel 
  3. Sitael 
  4. Elemiah 
  5. Lelahel 
  6. Achaiah 
  7. Cahethel 
  8. Mahasiah

He governs all the forces of creation for the benefit of the inhabitants of the earth, he brings together in his hands the splendor of the seven stars.

In order for an Angel of this category to "anchor" in his house, there is a need for a lot of cleaning, walls painted white and without any type of insect, many books and a white towel where candle and incense should be lit.

RAZIEL: He's the Prince of Cherubim.

His Guardian Angels are:
  1. Haziel 
  2. Aladiah 
  3. Laoviah 
  4. Hahahiah 
  5. Yesalel 
  6. Mebahel 
  7. Hariel 
  8. Hekamiah

It is the Angel of the Mysteries, the Prince of knowledge and Guardian of originality, it is the Bees, portrayed with sympathy and grace by the painters.

For an angel of this category to "anchor" in your house, there is need of everything very colorful, with toys, pictures of child and very sweet.

TSAPHKIEL: He's the Prince of Thrones.

His Guardian Angels are: 
  1. Lauviah 
  2. Caliel 
  3. Leuviah 
  4. Pahaliah 
  5. Nelchael 
  6. Ieiaiel 
  7. Melahel 
  8. Haheuiah

It symbolizes the creative forces in action, will help you contemplate the future and is associated with the earth.

For this angel to "ancore" in your house, there is need of instrumental music and of much tranquility.

TSADKIEL: He's the Prince of Dominations.

Your Guardian Angels are: 
  1. Nith-Haiah 
  2. Haaiah 
  3. Ierathel 
  4. Seheiah 
  5. Reyel 
  6. Omael 
  7. Lecabel 
  8. Vasariah

He assists in the emergencies and processes of all natures that imply in judgments, is the Prince of prophecies and Inspiration, is also connected to the arts and teaching.

For an angel of this category to "anchor" in his house, he needs a mystical environment, with the presence of oracles (tarot, runes, shells, letters, etc.) and incense burning.

CAMEL: He is the Prince of the Powers.

Your Guardian Angels are: 
  1. Iehuiah 
  2. Lehahiah 
  3. Chavakiah 
  4. Menadel 
  5. Aniel 
  6. Haamiah 
  7. Rehael 
  8. Ieiazel

It interferes in interpersonal and disciplined relationships, it is the angel in charge of receiving the influences of God, to transmit them to the angels guardians of this category.

For an angel of the Powers category to "anchor" in your house, there is need of the presence of animals, it can be anyone and many plants.

RAPHAEL: He is the Prince of Virtues.

Your Guardian Angels are: 
  1. Hahahel 
  2. Mikael 
  3. Veuliah 
  4. Yelaiah 
  5. Sealiah 
  6. Ariel 
  7. Assaliah 
  8. Mihael

He is the helper of the healing work, it will be he who will lead the New generation to the so-called "New Age" and must remedy the evils of humanity.

For an angel of this category to "anchor" in your home, there is need for the presence of metals, sacred and ancient objects, scents or perfumes in the air.

HANIEL: He's the Prince of Princes.

Your Guardian Angels are: 
  1. Vehuel 
  2. Daniel 
  3. Hahasiah 
  4. Imamaiah 
  5. Nanael 
  6. Nithael 
  7. Mebahiah 
  8. Poiel

He helps to solve all problems of love, is invoked against the forces of evil, receives the influences of God to transmit them to the angels of this category.

For an angel of this category to "anchor" in his house, it is necessary the presence of varied crystals, mainly the "amethyst", and plants of any kind or species.

MIKAEL: He is the Prince of the Archangels.

Your Guardian Angels are: 
  1. Nemamiah 
  2. Ieialel 
  3. Harahel 
  4. Mitzrael 
  5. Umabel 
  6. Iah-Hel 
  7. Anauel 
  8. Mehiel

It is the angel who proclaims the Oneness of God, his name is a battle cry, every 1st Sunday of every month at 10 o'clock he is nearest to us on earth.

For an angel of this category to "anchor" in your home, there is need for the presence of flower pots, any variation of foliage, but there is need to be all very colorful.

GABRIEL: He's the Prince of Angels.

Your Guardian Angels are: 
  1. Damabiah 
  2. Manakel 
  3. Ayel 
  4. Habuhiah 
  5. Rochel 
  6. Yabamiah 
  7. Haiaiel 
  8. Mumiah

He is the Angel of Hope, one of his virtues is to rescue all his protected on earth for after death directs them to the heavens.

For an angel of this category to "anchor" in your home, there is need for the presence of fruits of all kinds and forms, not necessarily as a form of food, but can be as decoration.

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